Wednesday, August 22, 2018

It's been a few years...but I have rediscovered this little blog of mine. Though my offerings may be sporadic, hopefully they are a blessing when they need to be. This is a Eucharistic Prayer I wrote a couple of years ago. Feel free to use it, simply acknowledge the author! Thanks.

  Eucharistic Prayer for Healing Liturgy or Service of Anointing

 You came to live among us in Jesus, appearing in such an unexpected way.
You continually surprise us with your love, your mercy, your healing.
 Our lives in this world have been touched by pain violence hatred and evil.
Parts of our minds bodies spirits have been wounded, broken, violated.
In response we have become the silent ones, the ones who hate, those tempted by despair.

 We come to this table you have invited us to opening ourselves to you with trembling hearts, hoping in you despite our sorrow, and singing with those who have gone before us and the entire community of heaven,
 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, whose power is always merciful, Heaven and Earth sing of your greatness. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.  

When you walked amongst us you reached out to touched those of us who were considered untouchable. You ate dinner with those of us considered unclean. You embraced those of us who were forsaken of love. You invited us to sit around the table with you as you did that night with your disciples, during that meal in which healing intermingled with sorrow.

 And on that night despite your own broken heart you took the bread that had been prepared and offered your Father in heaven thanks for the healing nourishment of bread. Then you told your disciples: Take this bread, eat it, be nourished by it and receive the life it brings; when you do so, remember me. After the meal was over you picked up your cup of wine and told your disciples: drink from this cup the fruit of the vine. As it fills you and satisfies you, remember that I am with you always.

 We are so grateful for the invitation to this table, to be fed, to be nourished, to be loved, to be known, to be healed.

 We ask of you Lord, that you would send your Holy Spirit upon the gifts you have placed on this table, filling us with that same Spirit, that we might know your ways amongst us, and be people who live in the healing you alone can bring. And again we sing our song to you, our voices reaching for your heart with our love, God now God forever, One of love, One of wholeness, In this world and the next. Forever astonishing us in unexpected ways. May your Name be forever blessed. Amen.

  Written by The Reverend Ruthanne Ward